This thesis is a feminist informed, discursive research project. Three studies are
presented, each designed to explore reconstructions of sexual harassment incidents. The
first and second studies were based upon a corpus of interview data, generated
specifically for the research project. The author interviewed six women and encouraged
detailed discussion about sexual harassment. The third study was conducted utilising
media data. The data includes an initial allegation and description of an incident of
sexual harassment, in the form of a magazine article, and a collection of published
responses written by journalists, academics and members of the public. The data were
analysed utilising a 'hybrid' discursive approach that combined the frameworks of
conversation analysis and critical discourse analysis to deconstruct both the
interactional and ideological components of the discourse.
This thesis makes several distinctive contributions to existing literature. Firstly,
whilst hybrid analysis has been advocated by others, it has rarely been applied and
therefore this project contributes an example of its application. Secondly, the project
offers as its focus a deconstruction of subject positions and the function they serve in
the allocation of responsibility and accountability of sexual harassment. This is unique
in the field. Thirdly, to feminist action and women's emancipation, the project
contributes a knowledge and understanding of women's oppressive and constrained
experiences. Through knowledge of oppression women's emancipation can be more
easily achieved.
Date of Award | 2008 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
CLARKE, S. J. (Author). 2008
Student thesis: PhD