Coastal and estuarine environments are dynamic yet highly sensitive which makes them
particularly susceptible to any changes dictated by external forces. The interaction
between environmental forces and those imposed by humans who live and work in the area
is a very delicate one and needs to be considered through an holistic management approach
to ensure the maintenance of a sustainable equilibrium. The use of airborne remote
sensing in the coastal zone has been employed and validated for the specific aims of
suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration and flux quantification in the Humber
Estuary and sea-surface temperature and salinity determination in the Tweed Estuary.
Routines for the effective radiometric, atmospheric, thermal and geometric correction of
Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASQ and Airborne Thematic Matter (ATM)
data were tested and enhanced. Validations at all stages were executed through
comparison with sea-based optical data acquired coincident with the images. The data
acquired from the sea-surface also yielded important information regarding the nature and
content of the waters. Water classification techniques were addressed and a new algorithm
for use in case II waters based on the Austin & Petzold (1981) K^{490) routine derived.
A new algorithm to determine SPM concentration in the Humber Estuary from CASI
images was successfully determined and validated. SPM flux estimates were ascertained
through the incorporation of image data, hydrodynamic models and depth profiles
determined from hydrographic charts. In the Tweed Estuary, ATM images were used to
determine sea-surface temperature and salinity using thermal image calibration and
comparison with surface monitoring. The results provide an hitherto unseen insight into
the dynamics of the Humber and the Tweed Estuaries. In particular, information regarding
SPM concentration and fluxes in the Humber supports the so far unproved hypothesis that
most of the SPM moves into and out of the mouth in elongated streaks. The use of the
width of a streak (or patch) to predict the SPM concentration and / or flux and so eliminate
the necessity for surface-based monitoring was addressed. Algorithms to determine SPM
concentration and flux were devised using patch size and within-patch water depth alone.
A model to apply these algorithms to all data was unsuccessful due to the sparse temporal
coverage of the image data. The analyses exemplified in this study give an invaluable
insight into the forces at play in coastal and estuarine environments and would provide key
information sources for hydrodynamic modellers and coastal zone managers.
Date of Award | 1999 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
Validating the use of Airborne Remote Sensing in the Coastal Zone and its Application to Suspended Sediment Flux Estimation
ROBINSON, M. (Author). 1999
Student thesis: PhD