The balance of the physical processes that drive the morphodynamics of a complex inlet system is
investigated in this work. For this purpose, an innovative technique using coupled video imaging
and numerical modelling has been used to study the relative importance of the driving forces that
control the sandbar dynamics at the Teignmouth inlet system. The sandbars that form the ebb tidal
delta are highly dynamic, leading to a cyclic morphological behaviour.
Application of the numerical model (MIKE21 HD, NSW, ST) served two separate functions. The
hydrodynamic model has been used for the image processing and, combined with the sediment
transport module, the full model has been used to understand the relative importance of the driving
forces at the region. The iterative application of the hydrodynamic model and the video images,
with the modelled water levels used as input to the image processing, provides the video-based
intertidal morphology that is used in further modelling experiments. This loop is repeated several
times during the three-year study period that covered a complete morphological cycle. This results
in a quantitative assessment of the relative influence of the key processes that control the
environment and in initial steps towards the prediction of its evolution. In order to assess the
relative importance of the driving forces a series of modelling experiments were designed to
include a variety of forcing conditions. These include the tidal range, wave conditions and river
discharge values.
The relative importance of each of the physical processes on the sediment transport and consequent
morphodynamics varies across the region. The main inlet channel is dominated by tidal action that
directs the sediment transport as a consequence of the varying tidal flow asymmetry, resulting in
net offshore transport. Sediment transport over the shoals and secondary channels at both sides of
the main channel is dominated by wave related processes, displacing sediment onshore. The
interaction between waves and tide generated currents controls the transport over the submerged
sandbar that defines the channel's seaward extent. High river discharge events are also proven to be
important in this region as they can change sediment transport patterns across the area. Waves play
a major role in the sandbar morphodynamics. Despite the relative low frequency of high wave
energy events that reach the region they are responsible for large amounts of sediment
displacement, catalysing some dramatic morphological changes. Therefore, the temporal
distribution of storms defines the cyclic behaviour of such environments, making the system more
dynamically active over the winter months. It is also during this period that river discharge values
reach high peaks, increasing the capacity of the ebbing tidal flows and interacting with the
opposing waves. The opposite occurs during summer periods, when less energetic conditions lead
to slower morphological changes. The application of an initial sedimentation/erosion model proved
to be useful in giving qualitative predictions of the morphological evolution of such a complex
sandbar system, reflecting the initial morphological changes for different forcing conditions.
Qualitative comparisons between the modelled sedimentation/erosion patterns and the video based
observations of the changes at the dynamic offshore sandbar show that the model is able to
reproduce its overall evolutionary tendency. The morphological adjustment of the system to the
forcing conditions shows the progression towards the next morphological stage, allowing the initial
steps towards predicting the evolution to be taken.
The technique applied, coupling the numerical model with the video images, has been shown to be
of great value in providing a better understanding of the processes that control the dynamics of inlet
systems. At short time-scales, quantitative information about the acting processes and how they
interact has been gained by the modelling experiments, and at medium time scales, the combined
application resulted in qualitative predictions of the evolution of most regions of the system.
Date of Award | 2003 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
Sediment Transport and Morphodynamics at an Estuary Mouth: a Study using Coupled Remote Sensing and Numerical Modelling
Siegle, E. (Author). 2003
Student thesis: PhD