This contribution utilises a multifaceted approach to investigate the physical processes
responsible for the onshore migration of ebb tidal sandbanks at an estuarine inlet
dominated by low energy waves.
A coastal video system was used to obtain two-weekly quantitative measurements of the
position, plan form and crest depth of the landward migrating sandbanks over a five
year period which encompassed four consecutive events. These data were supplemented
with a 35 year photographic record of the inlet's development. Onshore sandbank
migration was characterised by mean and maximum rates of I to 2 m. day"1 and 5 m. day"
1 respectively. The migration rate was found to be highly correlated (R2 = 0.7) with, and
linearly related to the ratio of the incident wave height to the crest depth particularly
prior to shore-attachment. The plan form, area and crest depth of the sandbanks are a
function of the sediment availability. In the inlet's current morphologic mode two plan
form geometries are typically observed. These are crescentic and elongate forms (high
aspect ratios) where the latter have their major axis transversely-orientated with respect
to the coast. Which of these forms develops is dependent on the chronology of wave
energy and the crest depth in relation to the tidal water level variation. Elongate
transverse morphologies are associated with low relief sandbanks which are
synonymous with periods of relatively low sediment availability. Conversely the
crescentic morphologies typically occur when sediment availability is higher and the
depth to the sandbank crests is shallower.
A unique set of in-situ measurements of waves, currents and sediment transport were
obtained from four positions on a sandbank in the mid term of its onshore migration.
Analysis of the data revealed that the sandbank was dominated by onshore directed
sediment transport in the shallow surf zone where current maxima occurred. The
gradients in transport were highest on the flood tide. An energetics analysis of the data
revealed that short wave stirring and wave driven mean flows were the physical
processes responsible for morphological change. The mean flows are in effect longshore
currents since they are generated by strong refraction and focussing of the incident
waves by the morphologies. These generate a zone of wave convergence over the
sandbanks when in the submerged state and very oblique wave breaking along the
flanks when the features are exposed by the tide. A numerical model (MIKE 21) was
subsequently applied in order to simulate the wave driven patterns of erosion and
deposition over the sandbanks using both idealised and measured boundary conditions.
The numerical experiments determined that there exists a dichotomy in the patterns of
erosion and deposition which are laterally constrained in the submerged state and
divergent in the exposed state. Morphological evolution was therefore governed by the
variable residence times of the causative wave driven processes at different tidal
elevations. It was found that low energy waves when combined with neap tides
promoted shoreward elongation through the dominance of the patterns of deposition in
the shallow submerged state. Higher energy conditions were predicted to promote a
degree of broadening in the longshore dimension and increased crest elevation. This
was caused by the patterns of deposition being dominated by both the laterally
constrained (high tide) and divergent (low tide) patterns due to their longer residence
Date of Award | 2009 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
Morphodynamics of ebb tidal delta sandbanks in a meso to macro tidal environment; Teignmouth, UK.
Aird, N. P. (Author). 2009
Student thesis: PhD