This thesis was motivated by applications in the epidemiology of Down syndrome and
prenatal screening for Down syndrome. Methodological problems arising in these
applications include under-ascertainment of cases in livebirth studies, double-sampled data
with missing observations and coarsening of data. These issues are considered from a
classical perspective using maximum likelihood and from a Bayesian viewpoint employing
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques.
Livebirth prevalence studies published in the literature used a variety of data collection
methods and many are of uncertain completeness. In two of the nine studies an estimate of
the level of under-reporting is available. We present a meta-analysis of these studies in
which maternal age-related risks and the levels of under-ascertainment in individual studies
are estimated simultaneously. A modified logistic model is used to describe the relationship
between Down syndrome prevalence and maternal age. The model is then extended to
include data from several studies of prevalence rates observed at times of chorionic villus
sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis. New estimates for spontaneous loss rates between the
times" of CVS, amniocentesis and live birth are presented.
The classical analysis of live birth prevalence data is then compared with an MCMC analysis
which allows prior information concerning ascertainment to be incorporated. This approach
is particularly attractive since the double-sampled data structure includes missing
observations. The MCMC algorithm, which uses single-component Metropolis-Hastings
steps to simulate model parameters and missing data, is run under three alternative prior
specifications. Several convergence diagnostics are also considered and compared.
Finally, MCMC techniques are used to model the distribution of fetal nuchal translucency
(NT), an ultrasound marker for Down syndrome. The data are a mixture of measurements
rounded to whole millimetres and measurements more accurately recorded to one decimal
place. An MCMC algorithm is applied to simulate the proportion of measurements rounded
to whole millimetres and parameters to describe the distribution of NT in unaffected and
Down syndrome pregnancies. Predictive probabilities of Down syndrome given NT and
maternal age are then calculated.
Date of Award | 1998 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
BRAY, I. C. (Author). 1998
Student thesis: PhD