The advent of microprocessors has created the possibility of
developing low cost adaptive controllers for small process plants
which in the past badly needed but could not afford such
controllers. To examine the practicality of developing advanced
low cost microprocessor based controller, this thesis describes
the development of a non-linear adaptive controller for a nylon
crimping plant which is a typical example of small process
In order to test the algorithm on site, an algorithm
development/implement device basing on a novel multi-tasking
concept was developed. This novel microprocessor based device
can perform program development, on-line algorithm test and data
logging at the same time, while, still maintaining its small size
for easy transportation. When the control algorithm was fully
developed and tested, a low cost dedicated controller using an
Intel 8085 processor was designed to house the algorithm and as a
direct replacement of the original analogue controller.
Date of Award | 1985 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
YUNG, K. L. (Author). 1985
Student thesis: PhD