An efficient transport system is essential for an efficient supply chain to facilitate
international trade. To utilise all cheaper resources, such as labour in Bangladesh,
companies receive supplies from one coxintry (e.g. in Hong Kong), produce the products in
another country, and sell them in other countries (e.g. European countries). Thus the
production and consumption has turned into a global activity with transport filling the gaps
among them. To perform the transport function a carrier may require the use of more than
one mode, the so-called multimodal transport. Multimodal transport, an integrated systems
approach, can be defined as the most cost- and time-effective way of moving goods from
shipper to consignee by at least two different modes of transport under a single contract.
The system has been operating for more than three decades in developed countries, but in
developing countries the transport system is still operating in a conventional fragmented
way where modal integration has not been achieved. In particular the inland part of the
international transport haul has appeared as a barrier to establishing an integrated
multimodal transport system. In general, the transport systems in developing countries
have failed to contribute to effective international supply chain.
Little research has been conducted in this field in developing countries, including
Bangladesh. The present research attempts to fill this gap through a triangulation
technique; an in-depth literature review of international freight transport of developing
countries particularly Bangladesh and developed countries; two rounds of Delphi study
among a Bangladeshi panel; and a quantitative study based on a survey. The research
hypothesises that Uhe extent to which a fragmented freight transport system can be
transformed into an integrated multimodal transport system depends on the present state of
the country'. The validity of the hypothesis was established through triangulation. The
research also found that there has been a significant freight transport multimodal
development in Bangladesh but it has not been perceived by the stakeholders.
Date of Award | 2005 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
ISLAM, D. M. Z. (Author). 2005
Student thesis: PhD