In order to investigate the biogeochemistry of aquatic ecosystems, a quantitative
understanding of primary production and the temporal and spatial distribution of nutrients is
necessary. This thesis describes the development of a submersible FI based nutrient sensor
for the in situ determination of nitrate in estuarine and coastal waters. Chapter One
describes the role of nitrogen in the global and marine nitrogen cycles and provides an
overview of laboratory and in situ methods for its determination. Chapter Two describes the
key parameters for a field instrument and culminates with the overall design specification for
the system. Chapter Three describes in detail the design, build and optimisation of the key
individual components of the system, e.g. sample delivery system, injection valve, reduction
column, reaction column, flowcell, on-board control system and the housing of the
complete integrated system. Chapter Four describes the optimisation and analytical
performance of the FI instalment prior to field trials. The key operational parameters such
as flowcell path length, injection volume and detector response were investigated. LOD,
reproducibility and linear range were determined and the control programme for the onboard
computer is reported. For example, a LOD of 0.01 Nitrate-N, a linear range of
0-140 | iM Nitrate-N and a reproducibility of ± 5 % were achieved. Chapter Five describes
the field experiments where the FI system was initially used as a bench instrument and
compared to a laboratory FI method which had been validated by participation in two interlaboratory
exercises and for nitrate in river and sea water. The first submersed deployments
involved the optimisation of the system operational characteristics and developing the field
techniques. The final part of this chapter describes the weekly field studies of Barn Pool in
Plymouth Sound using the submersed nutrient sensor for a period of two months. The
operation and performance of the submersed sensor was assessed against an air segmented
continuous flow analyser during a Land Ocean Interaction Study (LOIS) North Sea cruise
aboard the RVS Challenger. The results from this exercise and the relevant salinity and
turbidity measurements are presented in Chapter Six.
Date of Award | 1996 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
David, A. R. J. .. (Author). 1996
Student thesis: PhD