This thesis has focused on answering fundamental questions regarding the 'normal'
physiological ranges of the male shore crab Carcinus maenas. knowledge of the responses
to environmental variables is needed before the effects of anthropogenic stress can be
identified. Anthropogenic stress was imposed in the form of contamination by a ubiquitous
priority pollutant of the aquatic environment (polyaromatic hydrocarbon, pyrene).
The first hypothesis focused on identifying the physiological differences between juvenile
and adult male shore crabs. Differences at the cellular level (cell and immune function)
determined the relative contaminant sensitivity between the two ontogenetic stages, with
juveniles expressing increased physiological sensitivity to contaminant-imposed effects
compared to adults.
Further questions relating to how the physiological condition of Carcinus maenas was
altered by nutritional stress were examined in the adult stage. Physiological 'competency* or
tolerance was shown to be dependent upon organism nutritional status. Shore crab
physiological condition was robust to short-tenn starvation. This is interpreted to resultfrom
autophagy induction, whereby, when diet is restricted, energy is released via metabolism of
protein, carbohydrate and lipid stores. The physiological implications of sublethal
contaminant exposure under short-temi induction included'increased antioxidant status,
signalling activation of compensatory mechanisms under contaminant-mediated challenge.
The behavioural implications of nutritional status and contaminant exposure were
investigated by staging intraspecific agonistic contests between pairs of shore crabs for a
food resource.
Behavioural evidence revealed that the competitive ability (resource holding potential) of
individuals was higher in pyrene-exposed compared to unexposed crabs, with higher
proximate associated costs (energy expenditure) of entering agonistic contests in starved
compared to fully-fed individuals. Shore crab competitive ability was concluded to be
dependent upon the physiological condition of the contestant.
The final hypothesis investigated 'seasonal' differences in the physiology of Carcinus
maenas to test whether there were any 'windows of sensitivity' to both environmental and
contaminant-imposed challenges. The 'normal' pattern of seasonal variability was assessed
from crabs collected from the Avon Estuary. Differences included higher imhiune function
and lower antioxidant status between winter and spring compared to summer to autumn.
These seasonal differences were shown to impact on the ability of shore crabs to respond to
PAH exposure. Seasonal evaluation of shore crab physiological condition from estuaries of
varying PAH input [Avon Estuary (low anthropogenic exposure) and Plym Estuary (relatively
high anthropogenic exposure)], revealed significant seasonal differences between crabs as
signalled by cellular endpoints (cellular integrity and viability) between January and June
compared to July to December.
In summary, this study has revealed that shore crab physiology varies with intrinsic (age,
nutritional status) and extrinsic (temperature) factors. Therefore, it is essential to establish
the full extent of the 'normal' physiological ranges for C. maenas physiology to completely
understand the impact of environmental and anthropogenic stress alike.
Date of Award | 2007 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
DISSANAYAKE, A. (Author). 2007
Student thesis: PhD