The molecular level characterisation of compounds comprising the dissolved
organic nitrogen (DON) pool is an important task for chemical oceanographers wishing to
understand its role in the marine N cycle. Low DON concentrations, problems with saline
matrices and a lack of pre-concentration methods have all contributed to DON being
ignored and disregarded, until recently. Sub units of DON have been analysed as bulk
parameters within which the low molecular weight (LMW; < 1,500 Da) fraction has been
proposed to drive regenerated production within the oceans. The largest producers of these
compounds are phytoplankton. Dissolved combined amino acids (DCAAs) are proposed to
be the largest identifiable component of the LMW fraction. Peptides were chosen as the
starting point for this study on DON characterisation, due to their unrivalled detection
when analysed via liquid chromatography/ mass spectrometry (LC/MS). A method was
developed for the characterisation of low molecular weight peptides, released either
actively or passively from the axenically-cultured phytoplankton Phaeodactylum
Methods for the separation (high performance liquid chromatography; HPLC),
detection (mass spectrometric; MS), de-salination and pre-concentration (solid phase
extraction; SPE), of analytes present in the culture water sampled during the period of
maximum DON, were developed. The successful chromatographic separation of LMW
peptides was achieved using a Phenomenex® Gemini Gig column in conjunction with
mobile phases of acidified MeOH and water. The SPE method was developed on a
Hamilton PRP-1 column containing a polystyrene divinylbenzene stationary phase (PSDVB).
During the extraction process the increased hydrophobicity of the PS-DVB phase
was predicted to yield increased recoveries of peptides, when compared to analogous d g
phase cartridges. The method was transferred to extraction cartridges (500 mg, StrataX).
Further investigations were then carried out into the affects of salt and dissolved organic
matter on the extraction process.
Samples were prepared by applying the extraction method to 1 L supernatants of
culture water samples. The HPLC protocol was used to separate the components of the
complex sample prior to data acquisition in both full MS mode and in the data dependent
mode (DDMS). Mass spectra and chromatograms of ions unique to the cultured waters
were identified. Further instrument manipulation allowed interfering ions to be diverted
away from the mass analyser and consequently multistage mass spectrometry (MS²) to be
carried out on unique ions that exceeded the threshold intensity of 1 x 105.
Unique ions identified in the axenic cultures were two amino acids TYR and a
modified structure isomerically/isobarically related to TYR. Seven peptides were partially
sequenced. These were H-(VAL, THR, Xxx)-OH, H-(GLN/LYS, ALA, ASN, Xxx)-OH,
H-(ASN, ALA, GLU, Xxx)-OH, H-(VAL, GLU, Xxx)-OH, H-(SER, HIS, Xxx)-OH, H-
OH. One whole peptide was tentatively proposed as H-TRP-PHE-OH. A significant loss of
data was observed between the unique peptide ions identified in the MS analysis and the
ions that underwent CID during the DDMS analysis, because they were below the
threshold ion count or co-eluted with a more dominant ion.
The method development carried out through this study has enabled the successful
analysis of samples previously considered incompatible with LC/MS instrumentation. The
method can be applied to all aquatic environment samples for both contaminant removal
and preconcentration requirements and can be seen as an initial step from which many
different avenues of future work may be explored.
Date of Award | 2006 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
Characterisation of Algal Derived Organic Nitrogen
Curtis-Jackson, P. K. (Author). 2006
Student thesis: PhD