In the current climate of biodiversity loss how species diversity and ecosystem process are
linked is, arguably, one of the most pressing issues and greatest challenges currently facing the scientific
community. Previous studies suggest that there is no universal trajectory for the relationship between
diversity and ecosystem processes, the pattern depends largely on species identity and their interactions.
Furthermore, the effect of reduced diversity on ecosystem process in multi-trophic assemblages is both
understudied and poorly understood. Consequently, the overall aim of the present study was to investigate
the role of species identity, diversity and interactions in determining ecosystem processes using the
strandline as a model system. Appropriate strandline species, three species of kelp fly larvae, an
amphipod and four rove beetles were selected for use in laboratory manipulative experiments that
measured decomposition as an ecosystem process. This study is one of the few to consider the affect of
species interactions on ecosystem processes. The use of metabolic theory to make predictions of trophic
interactions and ecosystem processes, using tractable surrogate measures of interaction strength, was also
investigated. Finally, the importance of trophic interactions in affecting the connection between
ecosystem processes and consumer species identity, diversity and interactions was examined.
Species identity combination explained the variability in decomposition when strandline
decomposer diversity and identity were manipulated. Positive and negative interactions were identified,
and the effect of diversity on decomposition was dependent on the balance of these negative and positive
species interactions. A mechanism of microbial facilitation and inhibition was proposed to explain the
outcome as no previously proposed single mechanism adequately described the observed effect of species
identity, diversity and interactions on ecosystem process found in this study.
It was not possible to accurately predict observed predator-prey interaction strengths and
ecosystem processes between strandline predators and prey and decomposition using body size as a
surrogate measure of interaction strength and ecosystem processes. Although body size was an important
factor explaining the variability in predator-prey interactions and decomposition, so too was species
identity. The absence of a consistent relationship between size and interaction strength and
decomposition was attributed to species-specific differences.
The presence of trophic interactions subtly affected decomposition of wrack by strandline
detritivores. However, in the presence and absence of a predator the overall effect of detritivore diversity
and interactions on decomposition remained constant.
The results of this study have implications for the fields of biodiversity ecology, metabolic
theory of ecology and food web ecology. Firstly, the identification of positive detritivore-resource
interactions adds to a growing body of evidence that some detritivore species may interact positively,
with respect to ecosystem processes. The loss of species within a trophic group may result in a greater
reduction in ecosystem processes than previously thought. If positive species interactions are prevalent,
ecosystem process will decrease to a greater extent as species are lost, than that predicted from single
species processing rates. By considering species interactions, future biodiversity ecosystem processing
studies may better understand the effects of species diversity and identity on ecosystem process. It is also
suggested that patterns and relationships uncovered in previous studies investigating the effects of species
from a single trophic level on ecosystem process may still be valid in more realistic multi-trophic
systems. If future biodiversity-ecosystem process studies are to make predictions concerning actual
species-ecosystem process interactions in real assemblages the size of constituent species should be
considered, as predator and prey size was shown to effect predator-prey interactions and ecosystem
The results of this study also suggest that allometry and metabolic theory have limited capacity
for making predictions of predator-prey interactions and ecosystem processes, at least at the scale
investigated here. Species specific factors are more likely to explain the patterns of predator-prey
interactions and ecosystem processes at smaller scales. Unless food web models consider, or allocate,
non-trophic interactions correctly, erroneous predictions of energy How and ecosystem process may
result. Finally, the use of body size and allometric scaling laws to quantify food web models and energy
fiow through an assemblage must be treated with caution if these models are used to make predictions on
interactions between species and ecosystem processes occurring at the scale investigated in this study.
Date of Award | 2008 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Processes In the Strandline: The Role of Species Identity, Diversity, Interactions and Body Size
Marsh, S. J. (Author). 2008
Student thesis: PhD