Morphodynamics of beaches protected by detached breakwaters have been investigated in this
thesis at timescales ranging from days to years. A site consisting of nine breakwaters on a coast
open to energetic wave conditions in a meso-tidal environment is studied. Two phases of
breakwaters were built at the site: phase one comprising of four fully emergent, 200m long
structures, which have caused the formation of tidal tombolos; and phase two, five 160m long
breakwaters, submerged at high tide, behind which salients have formed. The site allows for
comparison of response at beaches protected by different breakwater designs under similar wave
and tidal forcing.
Three analysis strands are presented: video derived intertidal changes; differential global
positioning system (DGPS) surveys; and numerical modelling of the breakwater scheme. Together,
the three strands allow for determination of important changes to beach morphology and their
relation to forcing. A dataset of weekly mean sea level contours and a set of pre- and post- storm
inter-tidal surveys were extracted from the video data. DGPS surveys were conducted of the beach
and the inshore bathymetry at monthly intervals; these allowed definition of supra- and sub-tidal
changes not achievable from the video data. A `state of the art' numerical model, MIKE21, was
used to model waves, hydrodynamics and sediment transport about the scheme for prevailing
boundary conditions. The numerical modelling gave insight into the sediment transport pathways
and the relative importance of waves and tides as driving forces for morphological change.
The beaches protected by the breakwaters were found to be eroding at an average rate of
0.5m yr'' (vertical elevationc hange),a rate comparablet o unprotectedb eachesT. hus it seemst he
detached breakwater scheme is failing to substantially reduce the local erosion problem. The
dynamic natureo f the beachese, speciallyt he tombolos and salients,m eanst hat an equilibrium
shorelinec annotb e establishedT. he breakwaterp rotectedb eachesw ere less variable than the
unprotectedb eachesd, isplaying 65-75% of the standardd eviation of vertical change.H owever,
morphological changesw ere still considerable:r angei n cross-shorem ovemento f the means ea
level contour was between 6m in the bay centres and 80m on the tombolo horns.
Empirical orthogonal function analysis of the DGPS and mean sea level contour datasets
allowed for determination of three main modes of change which were similar for both phases. The
changes were: a general erosion and accretion (46-75% of the dataset variance), a longshore
movement of the salients and tombolos (6-27% of the dataset variance), and cross-shore profile
changes (-10% of the dataset variance). Correlation analysis and consideration of the numerical
modelling results and storm induced morphological change provided relation of the observed
changes to wave and tidal forcing. Differences in morphological response were noted for the
different breakwater designs. Patterns of response behind the larger breakwaters were better defined
due to higher gradients in wave energy between sheltered and unsheltered regions. Cross-shore
changes displayed additional three-dimensionality for the smaller breakwaters which led to an
increase and decrease in the amplitude of salient sinuosity. An additional mode of change, sub-tidal
erosion and accretion of the bay floors, was observed for the larger breakwaters.
Temporal signals showed more seasonality for the phase two breakwaters. In summer the
beaches protected by the smaller breakwaters were wider, higher and salient amplitudes were
greater. The changes behind the phase one breakwaters exhibited greater dependence on specific
wave and surge events. The general erosion and accretion showed an eroding trend with erosion
exacerbated by higher water levels for beaches protected by both sizes of breakwater. The
longshore movement of the tombolos and salients was forced by obliquely incident waves. For the
tombolos, numerical modelling also demonstrated the importance of tidally induced movement.
Magnitude of longshore movement (typically -'25m) depended strongly on the antecedent
morphological conditions. Cross-shore profile changes were storm induced for the beaches
protected by the larger structures: storms reducing profile gradients rapidly and subsequent poststorm
recovery. For the beaches protected by the smaller structures, storm induced gradient changes
were also important but an additional correlation with wave period was noted. The sub-tidal
changes to the phase one bay floors were forced by storm and surge conditions.
Date of Award | 2009 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
Beach morphodynamics behind a series of detached breakwaters in a mesotidal environment
Fairley, I. A. (Author). 2009
Student thesis: PhD