Cortical processing of even the most elementary visual stimuli can result
in the propagation of information over significant spatiotemporal scales. To fully
understand the impact of such phenomena it is essential to consider the influence of
both the neural circuitry beyond the immediate retinotopic location of the stimulus,
including pre-cortical areas, and the temporal components of stimulus driven activity
that may persist over significant periods. Two computational modelling studies have
been performed to explore these phenomena and are reported in this thesis.
I) The plexus of long and short range lateral connections is a prominent feature
of the layer 2/3 microcircuit in primary visual cortex. Despite the scope for possible
functionality, the interdependence of local and long range circuits is still unclear.
Spatiotemporal patterns of activity appear to be shaped by the underlying connectivity
architecture and strong inhibition. A modelling study has been conducted to capture
population activity that has been observed in vitro using voltage sensitive dyes. The
model demonstrates that the precise spatiotemporal spread of activity seen in the cortical
slice results from long range connections that target specific orientation domains
whilst distinct regions of suppressed activity are shown to arise from local isotropic axonal
projections. Distal excitatory activity resulting from long range axons is shaped
by local interneurons similarly targeted by such connections. It is shown that response
latencies of distal excitation are strongly influenced by frequency dependent facilitation
and low threshold characteristics of interneurons. Together, these results support
hypotheses made following experimental observations in vitro and clearly illustrate
the underlying mechanisms. However, predictions by the model suggest that in vivo
conditions give rise to markedly different spatiotemporal activity. Furthermore, opposing
data in the literature regarding inter-laminar connectivity give rise to profoundly
different spatiotemporal patterns of activity in cortex.
2) The second computational modelling study considers simple moving stimuli.
These stimuli are implicated in the 'motion streak' phenomenon whereby the movement
of a visual feature can give rise to trajectory information that is not explicitly
present. Published experimental data of an in vivo study in the cat has shown that a
single small light square moving stimulus elicits activity in populations of neurons in
primary visual cortex that are selective for orientations parallel to stimulus trajectory
(Jancke 2000). In more recent, unpublished data, this work is extended to consider
long term persistent cortical activity that is generated by similar stimuli. These data
indicate that following initial cortical activation that appears to result directly from
the stimulus, iso-orientation domains display persistent activity. Furthermore, initial
activity is broadly tuned with respect to orientation whilst later activity is strongly
selective for orientations that are parallel to the stimulus trajectory. Currently the generative
processes involved have not been clearly defined. Hence the proposed thesis
will contribute to a more complete understanding of the mechanisms responsible for
such cortical representations of moving visual stimuli. More specifically this will be
achieved by a large scale mean field model that will enable a thorough investigation
of the anatomical and electrophysiological elements concerned with the observed spatiotemporal
dynamic behaviour and will represent a significant region of cortex. In
conjunction, an existing computational model of the retina will be integrated. In doing
so this thesis will offer the notion that certain cortical representations are inextricably
linked with earlier stages of the visual pathway. As such consideration of retinal processing
is fundamental to the understanding cortical functions and failure to do so can
only result in erroneous conclusions.
Date of Award | 2009 |
Original language | English |
Awarding Institution | |
A Large-Scale Model of Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Excitation and Inhibition Evoked by the Horizontal Network in Layer 2/3 of the Visual Cortex
Symes, A. J. (Author). 2009
Student thesis: PhD