Trauma in Transition - Lived experiences of Trauma Informed approaches

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

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Increasing numbers of organisations are seeking the contributions of people who haveexperienced trauma in order to develop their services and support. The aims of this piece ofresearch were to understand the lived experiences of trauma. In particular, how policy anddecision makers can best learn from people with lived experiences of trauma to improvetheir service design and delivery. The overall ambitions of the research team in relation tothis piece of work are to produce accessible knowledge that can be used to inform futureresearch, and the way in which trauma can be better accounted for and supported in boththe design and delivery of services. This report represents a first step towards achieving thisaim, and further work is necessary to fully explore these important issues.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022


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