The Wind in the Willows Effect: Does age affect human versus animal faux pas recognition?

Gray Atherton, Lucy Robinson, Lucie Guy-Smith, Liam Cross

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Children’s literature is rife with anthropomorphic or non-human characters that may be used as a scaffold to teach children about theory of mind (ToM) or the ways in which people think or feel about the social world. In this study, 107 typically developing U.K. school children in Years 1, 3, and 5 (5–10 years of age) completed a human and anthropomorphic ToM test that tested their understanding of faux pas. Specifically, children from these three age groups were given a human version of 20 faux pas stories and an identical animal version of the same stories 1 week apart (with counterbalancing between classes). Pairwise comparison showed that participants in Year 1 did significantly better on the animal ToM test compared with the human ToM test, matching ToM scores of children in Year 3. On the human version of the task, there was a clear progression in age-related ToM abilities, with older children outperforming younger children and improving when the stories were human rather than anthropomorphic. Implications and future directions are discussed, in line with theories of species specialization and the importance of anthropomorphism for children.
Original languageEnglish
Article number106116
JournalJournal of Experimental Child Psychology
Early online date2 Nov 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2 Nov 2024


  • Anthropomorphism
  • Faux pas test
  • Theory of mind
  • Development


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