The Sexual Constitution of Political Authority: The 'Trials' of Same Sex Desire

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Book Review The Sexual Constitution of Political Authority: the ‘trials’ of same sex desire Aleardo Zanghellini, 2015 Routledge Glasshouse Books, pp.206, £76.00 ISBN 041582740X This book is a fascinating and engaging read that will be of particular interest to socio-legal and legal historians, constitutional and political historians, and historians of sex and sexuality amongst others. Zanghellini’s stated aim is to explore how political authority in Britain and its legitimacy has been culturally constructed and influenced by same-sex desire, limited in this context to homosexual same-sex desire for the entirely justifiable reasons given in respect of the relative denial of female engagement in political matters until more recent times.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages0
JournalFeminist Legal Studies
Issue number0
Publication statusPublished - 31 Oct 2017


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