The mechanical properties of functionalised MWCNT infused epoxy resin: A theoretical and experimental study

M Al-Bahrani, ZJ Gombos, A Cree

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Carbon nanotubes are considered to be one of the strongest and stiffest engineering materials available, possessing a calculated tensile strength of sTS 11- 200 GPa and Young's modulus E >1.4 TPa. In the context of manufactured engineering composites, epoxy resin is commonly used as a matrix material for many aerospace and oil field, and other, industrial applications. This paper reports the initial findings of a study, which considered the effects of small additions of two types of multi-wall carbon nanotubes, nickel coated MWCNTs (Ni-MWCNTs) & carboxyl acid surface activated MWCNTs (COOH-MWCNTs) on the mechanical properties of an epoxy resin matrix. To successfully incorporate these particles into the matrix materials, with good dispersive properties, standard mixing techniques using an ultrasonic bath were used during the manufacture of appropriate specimens for testing. The tensile strength properties of these specimens, as well as the microstructure, were then evaluated and studied. Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM) was used to visualise the degree of dispersion of the MWCNT's in the matrix material. The results obtained indicated that the mechanical properties of epoxy resin can be improved by the addition of the both type of MWCNT's. In particular, the addition of Ni-MWCNT's increased the tensile strength by approximately 19% and the tensile modulus by 28%. While for COOH-MWCNTs the increase was 20.6% for tensile and 27.5% for the modulus. It is suggested that these improvements, seen with the MWCNT's particles, were due to an increase in the degree of interfacial bonding between MWCNT and epoxy, so leading to the improved mechanical properties of the nanocomposite observed. Theoretical modelling, using ANSYS finite element analysis, also showed good correlation with the experimental results obtained.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)76-86
Number of pages0
JournalInternational Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2018


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