The Golden Plaice (and other things)

Research output: Non-textual formDigital Object


ARtBlab is an arts and entertainment podcast ✨Talks about art✨Interviews with artists✨Innovative Poetry Festival✨Exhibitions✨‘Poetic Convo’ podcast✨
Curator @somecoolwords

John Kilburn is an illustrator and lecturer in Illustration at the University of Plymouth. As an academic John’s current research promotes illustration and sustainability through collaborative and interdisciplinary partnerships. As an illustrator, John first started working in the entertainment industry creating over 400 club flyers and posters. Later, John became immersed in the small-press scene as a co-director of Atlantic Press and working on the production of artzine Tiny Pencil.

In this talk John will explore the creative process behind some of his favourite projects and recent collaborations. John’s drawings are inspired by absurd humour & nonsensical things and he likes to poke fun at the futility of humankind’s desire to catalogue, map and understand the natural world.
Original languageEnglish
Place of Publication
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2021


  • illustration
  • authorial
  • podcast
  • artblab
  • asbsurd
  • Poetry


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