The Free-play Sandbox: a Methodology for the Evaluation of Social Robotics and a Dataset of Social Interactions

S Lemaignan, C Edmunds, E Senft, T Belpaeme

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Evaluating human-robot social interactions in a rigorous manner is notoriously difficult: studies are either conducted in labs with constrained protocols to allow for robust measurements and a degree of replicability, but at the cost of ecological validity; or in the wild, which leads to superior experimental realism, but often with limited replicability and at the expense of rigorous interaction metrics. We introduce a novel interaction paradigm, designed to elicit rich and varied social interactions while having desirable scientific properties (replicability, clear metrics, possibility of either autonomous or Wizard-of-Oz robot behaviours). This paradigm focuses on child-robot interactions, and builds on a sandboxed free-play environment. We present the rationale and design of the interaction paradigm, its methodological and technical aspects (including the open-source implementation of the software platform), as well as two large open datasets acquired with this paradigm, and meant to act as experimental baselines for future research.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages0
Issue number0
Publication statusPublished - 6 Dec 2017


  • cs.RO
  • cs.HC


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