The Covers Are the Eyelids’ - Filming of projections on objects as a method for creative ‘concrescence’ (Whitehead, 1929/2010)

Dani Landau, Sanja Sarman, Madhuja Mukherjee, Anouk Hoogendoorn, Josh Wagner

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This text describes the practical method of creative collaboration involving filming layered projections onto objects. It outlines the creative combination involved in the selection of projected images and objects. The finished film explores this method of creative imbrication through practice. This imbrication can be understood as a practice which makes visible a ‘production of novel togetherness’, which Alfred North Whitehead terms ‘concrescence’ (1928/1978 pg.31). The core proposition is that the film acts as a tacit exposition of a process of concrescence. To make this claim, we first summarise the proposition of concrescence from Whitehead, we then articulate the filmmaking challenge as a research question. In the methods section we describe the creative practices that come together in filmmaking. In the outcomes section, we further apply Whitehead’s proposition of concrescence in order to articulate how the process is made apparent by the method of filming projections.
Original languageEnglish
VolumeNew Entanglements Film - Philosophy
Issue number14.2
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2024


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