Telomere length is a risk factor in disease and the dynamics of telomere length are crucial to our understanding of cell replication and vitality. The proliferation of whole genome sequencing represents an unprecedented opportunity to glean new insights into telomere biology on a previously unimaginable scale. To this end, a number of approaches for estimating telomere length from whole-genome sequencing data have been proposed. Here we present Telomerecat, a novel approach to the estimation of telomere length. Previous methods have been dependent on the number of telomeres present in a cell being known, which may be problematic when analysing aneuploid cancer data and non-human samples. Telomerecat is designed to be agnostic to the number of telomeres present, making it suited for the purpose of estimating telomere length in cancer studies. Telomerecat also accounts for interstitial telomeric reads and presents a novel approach to dealing with sequencing errors. We show that Telomerecat performs well at telomere length estimation when compared to leading experimental and computational methods. Furthermore, we show that it detects expected patterns in longitudinal data, repeated measurements, and cross-species comparisons. We also apply the method to a cancer cell data, uncovering an interesting relationship with the underlying telomerase genotype.
Original language | English |
Article number | 1300 |
Journal | Scientific Reports |
Volume | 8 |
Issue number | 1 |
DOIs | |
Publication status | Published - 1 Dec 2018 |
ASJC Scopus subject areas
- Multidisciplinary
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- Vancouver
In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1300, 01.12.2018.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
T1 - Telomerecat
T2 - A ploidy-agnostic method for estimating telomere length from whole genome sequencing data
AU - Farmery, James H.R.
AU - Smith, Mike L.
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AU - Lango Allen, Hana
AU - Lango-Allen, Hana
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AU - Wharton, John
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AU - Talks, Kate
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AU - Yates, Katherine
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AU - Gilmour, Kimberley
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AU - Southgate, Laura
AU - Ranganathan, Lavanya
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AU - Daugherty, Louise
AU - Chitre, Manali
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AU - Humbert, Marc
AU - Tischkowitz, Marc
AU - Bitner-Glindzicz, Maria
AU - Erwood, Marie
AU - Scully, Marie
AU - Veltman, Marijke
AU - Caulfield, Mark
AU - Layton, Mark
AU - McCarthy, Mark
AU - Ponsford, Mark
AU - Toshner, Mark
AU - Bleda, Marta
AU - Wilkins, Martin
AU - Mathias, Mary
AU - Reilly, Mary
AU - Afzal, Maryam
AU - Brown, Matthew
AU - Rondina, Matthew
AU - Stubbs, Matthew
AU - Haimel, Matthias
AU - Lees, Melissa
AU - Laffan, Michael A.
AU - Browning, Michael
AU - Gattens, Michael
AU - Richards, Michael
AU - Michaelides, Michel
AU - Lambert, Michele P.
AU - Makris, Mike
AU - De Vries, Minka
AU - Mahdi-Rogers, Mohamed
AU - Saleem, Moin
AU - Thomas, Moira
AU - Holder, Muriel
AU - Eyries, Mélanie
AU - Clements-Brod, Naomi
AU - Canham, Natalie
AU - Dormand, Natalie
AU - Zuydam, Natalie Van
AU - Kingston, Nathalie
AU - Ghali, Neeti
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AU - Morrell, Nicholas W.
AU - Yeatman, Nigel
AU - Roy, Noémi
AU - Shamardina, Olga
AU - Alavijeh, Omid S.
AU - Gresele, Paolo
AU - Nurden, Paquita
AU - Chinnery, Patrick
AU - Deegan, Patrick
AU - Yong, Patrick
AU - Man, Patrick Yu Wai
AU - Corris, Paul A.
AU - Calleja, Paul
AU - Gissen, Paul
AU - Bolton-Maggs, Paula
AU - Rayner-Matthews, Paula
AU - Ghataorhe, Pavandeep K.
AU - Gordins, Pavel
AU - Stein, Penelope
AU - Collins, Peter
AU - Dixon, Peter
AU - Kelleher, Peter
AU - Ancliff, Phil
AU - Yu, Ping
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AU - Linger, Rachel
AU - Doffinger, Rainer
AU - Machado, Rajiv
AU - Kazmi, Rashid
AU - Sargur, Ravishankar
AU - Favier, Remi
AU - Tan, Rhea
AU - Liesner, Ri
AU - Antrobus, Richard
AU - Sandford, Richard
AU - Scott, Richard
AU - Trembath, Richard
AU - Horvath, Rita
AU - Hadden, Rob
AU - Mackenzieross, Rob V.
AU - Henderson, Robert
AU - MacLaren, Robert
AU - James, Roger
AU - Ghurye, Rohit
AU - Dacosta, Rosa
AU - Hague, Rosie
AU - Mapeta, Rutendo
AU - Armstrong, Ruth
AU - Noorani, Sadia
AU - Murng, Sai
AU - Santra, Saikat
AU - Tuna, Salih
AU - Johnson, Sally
AU - Chong, Sam
AU - Lear, Sara
AU - Walker, Sara
AU - Goddard, Sarah
AU - Mangles, Sarah
AU - Westbury, Sarah
AU - Mehta, Sarju
AU - Hackett, Scott
AU - Nejentsev, Sergey
AU - Moledina, Shahin
AU - Bibi, Shahnaz
AU - Meehan, Sharon
AU - Othman, Shokri
AU - Revel-Vilk, Shoshana
AU - Holden, Simon
AU - McGowan, Simon
AU - Staines, Simon
AU - Savic, Sinisa
AU - Burns, Siobhan
AU - Grigoriadou, Sofia
AU - Papadia, Sofia
AU - Ashford, Sofie
AU - Schulman, Sol
AU - Ali, Sonia
AU - Park, Soo Mi
AU - Davies, Sophie
AU - Stock, Sophie
AU - Ali, Souad
AU - Deevi, Sri V.V.
AU - Gräf, Stefan
AU - Ghio, Stefano
AU - Wort, Stephen J.
AU - Jolles, Stephen
AU - Austin, Steve
AU - Welch, Steve
AU - Meacham, Stuart
AU - Rankin, Stuart
AU - Walker, Suellen
AU - Seneviratne, Suranjith
AU - Holder, Susan
AU - Sivapalaratnam, Suthesh
AU - Richardson, Sylvia
AU - Kuijpers, Taco
AU - Kuijpers, Taco W.
AU - Bariana, Tadbir K.
AU - Bakchoul, Tamam
AU - Everington, Tamara
AU - Renton, Tara
AU - Young, Tim
AU - Aitman, Timothy
AU - Warner, Timothy Q.
AU - Vale, Tom
AU - Hammerton, Tracey
AU - Pollock, Val
AU - Matser, Vera
AU - Cookson, Victoria
AU - Clowes, Virginia
AU - Qasim, Waseem
AU - Wei, Wei
AU - Erber, Wendy N.
AU - Ouwehand, Willem H.
AU - Astle, William
AU - Egner, William
AU - Turek, Wojciech
AU - Henskens, Yvonne
AU - Tan, Yvonne
AU - Lynch, Andy G.
N1 - Publisher Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s).
PY - 2018/12/1
Y1 - 2018/12/1
N2 - Telomere length is a risk factor in disease and the dynamics of telomere length are crucial to our understanding of cell replication and vitality. The proliferation of whole genome sequencing represents an unprecedented opportunity to glean new insights into telomere biology on a previously unimaginable scale. To this end, a number of approaches for estimating telomere length from whole-genome sequencing data have been proposed. Here we present Telomerecat, a novel approach to the estimation of telomere length. Previous methods have been dependent on the number of telomeres present in a cell being known, which may be problematic when analysing aneuploid cancer data and non-human samples. Telomerecat is designed to be agnostic to the number of telomeres present, making it suited for the purpose of estimating telomere length in cancer studies. Telomerecat also accounts for interstitial telomeric reads and presents a novel approach to dealing with sequencing errors. We show that Telomerecat performs well at telomere length estimation when compared to leading experimental and computational methods. Furthermore, we show that it detects expected patterns in longitudinal data, repeated measurements, and cross-species comparisons. We also apply the method to a cancer cell data, uncovering an interesting relationship with the underlying telomerase genotype.
AB - Telomere length is a risk factor in disease and the dynamics of telomere length are crucial to our understanding of cell replication and vitality. The proliferation of whole genome sequencing represents an unprecedented opportunity to glean new insights into telomere biology on a previously unimaginable scale. To this end, a number of approaches for estimating telomere length from whole-genome sequencing data have been proposed. Here we present Telomerecat, a novel approach to the estimation of telomere length. Previous methods have been dependent on the number of telomeres present in a cell being known, which may be problematic when analysing aneuploid cancer data and non-human samples. Telomerecat is designed to be agnostic to the number of telomeres present, making it suited for the purpose of estimating telomere length in cancer studies. Telomerecat also accounts for interstitial telomeric reads and presents a novel approach to dealing with sequencing errors. We show that Telomerecat performs well at telomere length estimation when compared to leading experimental and computational methods. Furthermore, we show that it detects expected patterns in longitudinal data, repeated measurements, and cross-species comparisons. We also apply the method to a cancer cell data, uncovering an interesting relationship with the underlying telomerase genotype.
UR - http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?scp=85040985054&partnerID=8YFLogxK
UR - https://pearl.plymouth.ac.uk/context/pms-research/article/2289/viewcontent/s41598_017_14403_y.pdf
U2 - 10.1038/s41598-017-14403-y
DO - 10.1038/s41598-017-14403-y
M3 - Article
C2 - 29358629
AN - SCOPUS:85040985054
SN - 2045-2322
VL - 8
JO - Scientific Reports
JF - Scientific Reports
IS - 1
M1 - 1300
ER -