Stakeholder alliances are essential to reduce the scourge of plastic pollution

RS Lampitt, S Fletcher, M Cole, A Kloker, S Krause, F O’Hara, P Ryde, M Saha, A Voronkova, A Whyle

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Progress to reduce plastic pollution has been painfully slow and the consequent damage to the natural environment and to human health is likely to increase further. This has been because the views and ways of working of four distinct stakeholder communities are not sufficiently well integrated. (1) Scientists, (2) industry, (3) society at large and (4) those making policy and legislation must in future find ways to work together.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages0
JournalNature Communications
Issue number1
Early online date22 May 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 22 May 2023


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