Spanish translation and validation of the EMPATHIC-30 questionnaire to measure parental satisfaction in intensive care units

Orive FJ Pilar, Lozano J Basabe, Zuñiga A López, Fernández YM López, Argaluza J Escudero, JM Latour

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Introduction Few validated surveys measuring parental satisfaction in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) are available, and none of them in Spanish language. The aim of this study is to translate and validate the questionnaire EMpowerment of PArents in THe Intensive Care (EMPATHIC). This questionnaire measures parental perceptions of paediatric intensive care-related satisfaction items in the Spanish language. Material and methods A prospective cohort study was carried out using questionnaires completed by relatives of children (range 0–17 years old) admitted into a tertiary PICU. Inclusion criteria were a length of stay more than 24 h, and a suitable understanding of Spanish language by parents or guardians. Exclusion criteria were re-admissions and deceased patients. The questionnaire was translated from English to Spanish language using a standardised procedure, after which it was used in a cross-sectional observational study in order to confirm its validity and consistency. Reliability was estimated using Cronbach's α, and content validity using Spearman's correlation analysis. Results A total of 150 questionnaires were collected. A Cronbach's α was obtained for domains greater than 0.7, showing a high internal consistency from the questionnaire. Validity was measured by correlating 5 domains with 4 general satisfaction items, documenting an adequate correlation (Rs: 0.41–0.66, p < .05). Conclusions The Spanish version of EMPHATIC 30 is a feasible, easy, and suitable tool in this specific environment, based on the results. EMPATHIC 30 is able to measure parental satisfaction, and may serve as a valid indicator to measure quality of care in Spanish PICUs.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)50-57
Number of pages0
JournalAnales de Pediatría (English Edition)
Issue number1
Early online date1 Jul 2018
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2018


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