Solution of the Gribov problem from gauge invariance

K Langfeld, T Heinzl, A Ilderton, M Lavelle, D McMullan

Research output: Contribution to journalConference proceedings published in a journalpeer-review


A new approach to gauge fixed Yang-Mills theory is derived using the Polyakov-Susskind projection techniques to build gauge invariant states. In our approach, in contrast to the Faddeev-Popov method, the Gribov problem does not prevent the gauge group from being factored out of the partition function. Lattice gauge theory is used to illustrate the method via a calculation of the static quark–antiquark potential generated by the gauge fields in the fundamental modular region of Coulomb gauge.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages0
JournalProceedings of Science
Issue number0
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2008


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