Scientific divers quantify first known outbreaks of cold-water coral disease

J Hall-Spencer, C Munn, K Hiscock

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Coral diseases are widely reported in the tropics but the first incidence of cold-water coral disease was not noted until 2002 when divers recorded an outbreak at 10-28 m depth off Lundy in a NE Atlantic marine protected area. The seafan Eunicella verrucosa exhibited coenchyme necrosis and subsequent diving surveys of >600 colonies at 13 sites since revealed that disease outbreaks were widespread in SW England to depths of 50 m from 2003-2008, possibly caused by infection by Vibrio bacteria at high temperatures.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)44-48
Number of pages0
JournalFreiberg Online Geology
Issue number0
Publication statusPublished - 14 May 2009


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