Saving our scallops: Arran reserve reveals marine protection works

Bryce Donald Stewart, Leigh Michael Howarth

Research output: Other contribution


We’ve looked at the Arran reserve in our research. Our findings, published this year in the journals Marine Biology and Marine Environmental Research indicate marine life is starting to flourish once again.

Complex seabed habitats formed by seaweeds and other plant-like creatures are recovering. These in turn act as a magnet for juvenile scallops, cod and other tasty species.

Adult scallops are benefiting too, growing in size and reproductive capacity. High levels of breeding within the reserve are likely to be seeding surrounding fishing grounds.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherThe Conversation
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • Scallops
  • Marine Protected Areas
  • Marine conservation
  • Marine biodiversity
  • Fisheries


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