Recreational use of protected areas: spatiotemporal insights from the Wikiloc mobile app

Jorge Costa*, Alberto Gomes, Martin Stokes, Miguel Saraiva

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Managing the rising number of visitors to protected areas (PAs) without compromising their environmental goals is a critical challenge that requires a complete understanding of how and when visitors use these spaces. Georeferenced data from fitness-tracking apps can provide detailed information about the visitor’s spatiotemporal behaviour inside PAs, but its potential is still underexplored. This study uses georeferenced data, from Wikiloc, to analyse the visitors’ spatiotemporal behaviour in Alvão Natural Park, Portugal. Our findings show that: 52% of the visitors’ use is concentrated around the Fisgas de Ermelo Waterfall; photos’ hotspots coincide with the waterfalls and viewpoints facing them; 2% of the routes crossed a zone where recreational use is illegal; Spring (26%) and April (11%) receive the most visitors; 52% of routes are done on the weekends; 66% of visitors are inside the park during noon; start/end places are located near parking spaces; the most frequent times to start a route are between 08:00-13:00 hrs, ending between 13-18:00 hrs. A new method was developed to calculate daily visitor numbers without photo concentration bias. These results offer valuable insights that can aid in PAs’ environmental and recreational use management by quickly providing detailed and low-cost visitor monitoring data.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3978-3998
Number of pages21
JournalCurrent Issues in Tourism
Issue number22
Publication statusPublished - 22 Mar 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geography, Planning and Development
  • Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management


  • alvão natural park
  • geotagged data
  • protected areas
  • visitor monitoring
  • Visitors’ spatiotemporal behaviour


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