Print and Try Technique: 3D-Printing of Teeth with Complex Anatomy a Novel Endodontic Approach

R Tonini, E Xhajanka, M Giovarruscio, F Foschi, G Boschi, A Atav-Ates, A Cicconetti, M Seracchiani, G Gambarini, L Testarelli, L Pacifici

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The purpose of this report is to evaluate the applicability of a novel Print and Try technique in the presence of aberrant endodontic anatomies and to achieve a predictable treatment with improved outcome. According to guidelines, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is recommended in the presence of complex anatomies. The volumes were utilized to produce a stereo lithographic (STL) file, from which a 3D-plastic tooth model including a hollow root canal system was obtained. The 3D-patient-specific model facilitates the treatment planning and the trial of therapeutic approaches. Using a transparent material, all the treatment steps could be directly visualized. Subsequently, endodontic therapy could be performed in vivo with reduced operating time and with a better overview. Clinicians benefit from the Print and Try technique when facing a complicated root canal system with reduced stress and higher chances of success. In aberrant endodontic anatomies, the use of a transparent 3D plastic model, derived from the CBCT dicom, provides an exact preview of clinical challenges that will be met intra-operatively. A patient centered tailored approach to shaping, cleaning, and filling strategies can be applied.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages0
JournalApplied Sciences
Issue number4
Early online date8 Feb 2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 8 Feb 2021


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