Post-earthquake disaster management and structural assessment

N Razaghi-Kashani, AP Fox, D Easterbrook

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paper (not formally published)peer-review


This paper includes a comparative analysis of theory and practice in the area of post-earthquake disaster management and structural assessment. The analysis was conducted as part of a literature review for a PhD study programme, where it provided the basis for a critical assessment of systems in use by authorities in Iran. As well as providing an overview of the Iran system for post-earthquake disaster management and structural assessment, the paper includes an overview of systems used in Japan, Italy, Greece and Turkey, which serve as proxies to facilitate the assessment of strengths and weaknesses in the Iranian system. Specifically, the paper examines three sub-components of a wider disaster management system, namely: the requirements of an Earthquake Information Management Systems (EIMSs), seismic hazard education programmes and initiatives to engage communities in the disaster management process. Post-earthquake structural assessment provides the context for the analysis and readers will take away from this paper insights about how best to add value to an integrative risk management system and enhance urban resilience by effectively addressing post-earthquake structural assessment within the three sub-components of a broader post-earthquake disaster management system.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2016
Event6th International Disaster and risk Conference IDRC - 6th International Disaster and risk Conference IDRC, Davos, Switzerland, 28 Aug 2016 - 01 Sep 2016
Duration: 28 Aug 20161 Sept 2016


Conference6th International Disaster and risk Conference IDRC


  • Iran
  • Post-earthquake disaster management
  • Structural assessment


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