Positive Behavioural Support in the UK: A State of the Nation Report

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The 2013 International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support (IJPBS) special issue acknowledged the evolving nature of positive behavioural support (PBS). This “state of the nation” report seeks to provide clarity around the questions that have arisen in respect of “who PBS is for”. It proposes an updated, refined definition of PBS and a guide to future PBS delivery for the UK that captures the developments and issues arising as described below. An overview of current and
significant research provides a clear narrative about the evidence base “for” PBS, including what the research tells us about how “not to do” PBS. The themes that are explored in this state of the nation report are also pulled together in a
proposed logic model for PBS in a UK context to guide future research and practice. As in 2013, the aim is to provide clarity around key issues in relation to PBS, especially those that have arisen in the past eight years, to reflect on PBS
in the 2020s in the UK, and to prompt debate about the direction of future service design and delivery models, research and further thinking on PBS.
Original languageEnglish
Journal International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support
Issue numberSupp 1
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 1 Feb 2022


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