Outcome of Root Canal Treatments Using a New Calcium Silicate Root Canal Sealer: A Non-Randomized Clinical Trial

A Zavattini, A Knight, F Foschi, F Mannocci

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Background: The aim of this study was to compare the success rate of root canal treatments undertaken using a calcium silicate root canal sealer in combination with a single cone with non-calcium silicate cement and warm vertical condensation. Methods: 150 necrotic or pulpitic teeth were treated. (REC: 08/H0804/79). Following standardized root canal chemo-debridement. The canals were obturated using warm vertical condensation of gutta-percha and epoxy-based sealer (AH plus) or a calcium silicate sealer (BioRootTM RCS) with a single cone technique. Follow-up assessment was conducted at 12 months using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). Results: At 1-year recall, 104 teeth were assessed (51 AH plus, 53 BioRootTM RCS). The success rate using loose criteria for the CBCT images and PA radiographs was respectively 80% and 89% in the AH plus/warm vertical condensation group, 84% and 90% in the BioRootTM RCS/single cone group. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups (Fisher exact test p value 0.6099 for the CBCT images). Conclusion: Within the limitations of this non-randomized trial, a calcium silicate cement in combination with single cone resulted in a similar proportion of successful cases compared to warm vertical condensation and epoxy-based sealer.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages0
JournalJournal of Clinical Medicine
Issue number3
Early online date13 Mar 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 13 Mar 2020


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