Optimising commercial-scale TEC arrays: genetic algorithm, Fractal & Eco-mimicry

Thomas Roc, Deborah Greaves, Daniel Conley, Mark Leybourne

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paper (not formally published)peer-review


Until recently, numerical modelling of Tidal Current Converters (TECs) has focused on individual devices, but is now turning to the more complex problem of array modelling. Whilst the tidal energy industry grows and commercial-scale TEC array projects emerge, the optimisation of device layout becomes prudent to improve financial viability. Indeed, device placement is a key factor influencing power capture and consequently the electricity generation of such array projects. The majority of the existing TEC array modelling tools for device placement optimisation only perform a few optimisation iterations for a couple of restrictive parameters such as row separation, and device lateral spacing. Although this kind of approach is not an issue for wind turbine arrays, in the case of constrained tidal flows the proposed layouts for a large number of devices are typically regular or staggered arrangements with an overall uniform device density. Recent studies have shown that such approaches, inherited from the wind industry, are not suitable and financially unfavourable. Aware that the whole industry will have to face and resolve these issues, IT Power Ltd has been working in collaboration with academic and private partners in order to develop an innovative method for TEC array layout optimisation, freed from restrictive device placement.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 6 Aug 2013
EventEWTEC 2013 - Aalborg, Denmark
Duration: 2 Sept 20136 Sept 2013


ConferenceEWTEC 2013


  • array optimisation
  • tidal energy converter
  • numerical modelling
  • genetic algorithm
  • fractal
  • eco-mimicry


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