‘Mind the gap’: Reconnecting local actions and multi-level policies to bridge the governance gap. an example of soil erosion action from East Africa

Claire Kelly*, Maarten Wynants, Linus K. Munishi, Mona Nasseri, Aloyce Patrick, Kelvin M. Mtei, Francis Mkilema, Anna Rabinovich, David Gilvear, Geoff Wilson, William Blake, Patrick A. Ndakidemi

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Achieving change to address soil erosion has been a global yet elusive goal for decades. Efforts to implement effective solutions have often fallen short due to a lack of sustained, context-appropriate and multi-disciplinary engagement with the problem. Issues include prevalence of short-term funding for ‘quick-fix’ solutions; a lack of nuanced understandings of institutional, socio-economic or cultural drivers of erosion problems; little community engagement in design and testing solutions; and, critically, a lack of traction in integrating locally designed solutions into policy and institutional processes. This paper focusses on the latter issue of local action for policy integration, drawing on experiences from a Tanzanian context to highlight the practical and institutional disjuncts that exist; and the governance challenges that can hamper efforts to address and build resilience to soil erosion. By understanding context-specific governance processes, and joining them with realistic, locally designed actions, positive change has occurred, strengthening local-regional resilience to complex and seemingly intractable soil erosion challenges.

Original languageEnglish
Article number352
Pages (from-to)352-352
Number of pages19
Issue number10
Early online date25 Sept 2020
Publication statusPublished - 25 Sept 2020

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Global and Planetary Change
  • Ecology
  • Nature and Landscape Conservation


  • Agro-pastoral
  • Byelaws
  • Co-design
  • Community engagement
  • Gully erosion
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Land degradation
  • Maasai
  • Policy
  • Resilience
  • Tanzania


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