Lissamine green – where have we been and where are we now?

C McDonnell, O Murphy, A Cochrane, E Martin, JS Wolffsohn, C Maldonado-Codina, M Vianya-Estopa, E Gibson, D Dunning, D Oehring, M Nagra, B Huntjens

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The General Optical Council has recently clarified the legal position for eye care practitioners wishing to use lissamine green dye for anterior eye examination. This paper reviews the history and current use of the dye in ocular examination. Though data are limited, the dye is found to be well tolerated by patients when used in strip form. Recommendations are made on the optimum use of the dye based on published research and its unique staining properties are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages0
JournalOptometry in Practice
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jun 2020


  • dye
  • lissamine green
  • ocular examination
  • ophthalmology
  • straining properties


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