Instant Genius Podcast: How mental imagery training could boost your motivation, with Dr Jon Rhodes: The new science of functional imagery training

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Whether your goal is mastering a new skill or losing weight, you’ll know the importance of motivation and effective planning. And one intriguing new field of psychology called 'functional imagery training' may help here.

As an increasing number of compelling studies show, vividly visualising attaining your goal and the road bumps along the way could leave you better motivated when setbacks occur. That’s why functional imagery training is now being used by athletes the military, and even company CEOs.

How does it work? And how promising are the results? We speak to Dr Jon Rhodes – lecturer in psychology at the University of Plymouth, and co-author of The Choice Point: The Scientifically Proven Method For Achieving Your Goals – to find out.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationOnline
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 23 Jun 2023


  • imagery
  • functional imagery training
  • psychology


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