Implementation and acceptance of agri-environmental schemes in the EU member states

C Deblitz, H Buller, O Rohm, J Schramek, GA Wilson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The agri-environmental schemes according to REG (EEC) 2078/92 form part of the accompanying measures of the 1992 CAP-reform. In many member states, the first five years period of the schemes was completed in 1997. The EU-funds allocated to the schemes had to be increased due to the new membership of Finland, Austria and Sweden and as a reason of the high demand for the voluntary programmes. The schemes are co-financed by the EU via the EAGGF (guarantee) in which they have a share of approximately 3 %. It can be expected this type of measures will in general gain importance and in particular with implementation of the Agenda 2000. The focus of implementation of the programmes varies between the member states. Most measures deal with extensive agricultural production and nature conservation. According to their regional availability, the programmes can be classified into horizontal, regional and local/zonal measures. The differences in implementation are demonstrated with the schemes in France and the United Kingdom. German, France, Italy and Austria require approximately 60 % of the EU co-financing funds. The premiums are highest in Austria, Germany and in parts of Italy whereas in Denmark, Ireland and in the United Kingdom premiums are relatively low. In terms of their share in the overall utilised agricultural area, the schemes are of big importance in Austria, Germany, France, Finland and Sweden. Until now, the acceptance of the schemes is relatively low in Greece, in Spain and in some regions of Italy.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)55-73
Number of pages0
JournalBerichte uber Landwirtschaft
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 1998


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