Astomonema southwardorum sp. nov., a gutless nematode dominant in a methane seep area in the North Sea

M. C. Austen, R. M. Warwick, K. P. Ryan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


<jats:p>A new species of mouthless and gutless free-living marine nematode, <jats:italic>Astomonema southwardorum</jats:italic> sp. nov., the dominant species from a methane seep pockmark in the North Sea, is described and illustrated. The new species is distinguished by its combination of short cephalic and cervical setae, with the latter being sparsely and irregularly distributed, and also in male specimens by its arrangement of precloacal and caudal setae and its postcloacal papillae. The genus <jats:italic>Astomonema</jats:italic> Ott, Rieger, Rieger &amp; Enderes, 1982, is rediagnosed. <jats:italic>Astomonema brevicauda</jats:italic> (Vitiello, 1971) Vidakovik &amp; Boucher, 1987, is considered to be a <jats:italic>species inquirenda</jats:italic>.</jats:p>
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)627-634
Number of pages0
JournalJournal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Aug 1993


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