Hypotension during propofol sedation for colonoscopy: a retrospective exploratory analysis and meta-analysis

J. Robert Sneyd*, Anthony R. Absalom, Clemens R.M. Barends, Jordan B. Jones

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Background: Intraoperative and postoperative hypotension occur commonly and are associated with organ injury and poor outcomes. Changes in arterial blood pressure (BP) during procedural sedation are not well described. Methods: Individual patient data from five trials of propofol sedation for colonoscopy and a clinical database were pooled and explored with logistic and linear regression. A literature search and focused meta-analysis compared the incidence of hypotension with propofol and alternative forms of procedural sedation. Hypotensive episodes were characterised by the original authors' definitions (typically systolic BP <90 mm Hg). Results: In pooled individual patient data (n=939), 36% of procedures were associated with episodes of hypotension. Longer periods of propofol sedation and larger propofol doses were associated with longer-lasting and more-profound hypotension. Amongst 380 patients for whom individual BP measurements were available, 107 (28%) experienced systolic BP <90 mm Hg for >5 min, and in 89 (23%) the episodes exceeded 10 min. Meta-analysis of 18 RCTs identified an increased risk ratio for the development of hypotension in procedures where propofol was used compared with the use of etomidate (two studies; n=260; risk ratio [RR] 2.0 [95% confidence interval: 1.37–2.92]; P=0.0003), remimazolam (one study; n=384; RR 2.15 [1.61–2.87]; P=0.0001), midazolam (14 studies; n=2218; RR 1.46 [1.18–1.79]; P=0.0004), or all benzodiazepines (15 studies; n=2602; 1.67 [1.41–1.98]; P<0.00001). Hypotension was less likely with propofol than with dexmedetomidine (one study; n=60; RR 0.24 [0.09–0.62]; P=0.003). Conclusions: Hypotension is common during propofol sedation for colonoscopy and of a magnitude and duration associated with harm in surgical patients.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)610-622
Number of pages13
JournalBritish Journal of Anaesthesia
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2022

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine


  • colonoscopy
  • endoscopy
  • hypotension
  • midazolam
  • propofol
  • sedation


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