How to … define clinical education research terminology: A glossary

Gabrielle M. Finn*, Ben Charmer, Oliver E. Burton, Aqua Asif, Matthew H.V. Byrne, Nicola Brennan, Megan E.L. Brown

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Clinical education research (ClinEdR) utilises diverse terminology, which can lead to confusion. A common language is essential for enhancing impact. An expert panel drawn from various workstreams within the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Incubator for Clinical Education Research was tasked with reviewing an initial list of terms for the development of a glossary of terms in the field of ClinEdR. The glossary was populated with terms, definitions and foundational papers by the authors and peer-reviewed for accuracy. The glossary of terms developed for ClinEdR should enable researchers to use a common language, promoting consistency and improving communication. We anticipate this will be useful for ClinEdR students and early career researchers. The glossary could be integrated into educational research methods courses in ClinEdR, and through critical and reflective use, enhance the quality and subsequent impact of ClinEdR.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages0
JournalThe Clinical Teacher
Issue number4
Early online date28 Jul 2023
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2023


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