HeartCV: a tool for transferrable, automated measurement of heart rate and heart rate variability in transparent animals

Ziad Ibbini*, John I. Spicer, Manuela Truebano, John Bishop, Oliver Tills

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Heart function is a key component of whole-organismal physiology. Bioimaging is commonly, but not exclusively, used for quantifying heart function in transparent individuals, including early developmental stages of aquatic animals, many of which are transparent. However, a central limitation of many imaging-related methods is the lack of transferability between species, life-history stages and experimental approaches. Furthermore, locating the heart in mobile individuals remains challenging. Here, we present HeartCV: an open-source Python package for automated measurement of heart rate and heart rate variability that integrates automated localization and is transferrable across a wide range of species. We demonstrate the efficacy of HeartCV by comparing its outputs with measurements made manually for a number of very different species with contrasting heart morphologies. Lastly, we demonstrate the applicability of the software to different experimental approaches and to different dataset types, such as those corresponding to longitudinal studies.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages0
JournalJournal of Experimental Biology
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2022


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