Gauge group cohomology in the monopole sector of Yang–Mills theories

I. Bakas*, D. McMullan

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<jats:p>The theory of Chern–Simons secondary characteristic classes is used to study the gauge group cohomology associated with Yang–Mills theories in sectors with persistent boundary effects. A generalized ‘‘descent’’ tower of globally defined cocycles (for manifolds with boundaries) is adopted and its relevance to monopole physics is investigated by means of the Christ–Jackiw interpretation for Yang–Mills dyons. In particular, it is found that three-cocycles can arise in the monopole sector of gauge theories and explicit formulas are derived for their description.</jats:p>
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1909-1915
Number of pages0
JournalJournal of Mathematical Physics
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 1988


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