Fluoride uptake and release characteristics of glass ionomer cements.

SL Creanor, LM Carruthers, WP Saunders, R Strang, RH Foye

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The aims of this study were firstly to investigate the fluoride-releasing characteristics of five commercial glass ionomer materials: Ketac Fil, Chemfil Superior, Fuji II LC, Aquacem and Vitrebond. The second aim was to assess the fluoride uptake and subsequent release from the same range of materials. In both tests, ten discs, 6 mm in diameter with a thickness of 1.5 mm, were made for each material. The initial fluoride release was assessed over a 60-day period for all materials. Each disc was immersed in 2 ml of de-ionised water within a plastic vial. The solutions were changed daily up to day 15, and thereafter every 3 and 4 days until the end of the test. All of the materials released measurable amounts of fluoride throughout the test period, with a considerable range on day 1 (15.3-155.2 ppm F). The concentration of fluoride released on the 2nd day fell sharply for all materials (range 6.3-44.3 ppm F). By day 60 all materials continued to release fluoride, albeit to a lesser extent (range 0.9-3.99 ppm F). With regard to the uptake and release of fluoride, a similar protocol was employed, although all samples were immersed in 1 litre of de-ionised water for 60 days to allow the majority of the fluoride to leach out from the materials. The ten pellets for each material were divided into two groups, five samples as control and five samples as test. Each day over a 20-day period all test samples were exposed to a 1000-ppm F solution for 2 min.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)322-328
Number of pages0
JournalCaries Res
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1994


  • Acrylic Resins
  • Aluminum Silicates
  • Chemical Phenomena
  • Chemistry
  • Physical
  • Diffusion
  • Fluorides
  • Glass Ionomer Cements
  • Immersion
  • Maleates
  • Materials Testing
  • Resins
  • Synthetic
  • Time Factors
  • Water


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