Female mate choice in the zebra finch: the effect of male beak color and male song

SA Collins, C Hubbard, AM Houtman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Studies of female mate preference in zebra finches (Taenopygia guttata) have shown that male beak colour and song rate are important. However, the two characters are correlated. Here the effect of beak colour and song rate on female choice are examined independently. In mate choice tests involving two males, beak colour was manipulated artificially using nail varnish. The results showed that females showed a significant preference for males with a high song rate, but not with a red beak. Females did not prefer males with a red beak if song rate was low and females preferred males with orange beaks who expressed a high song rate. Female preference for males with red beaks was not found when beak and song characters were no longer correlated.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-25
Number of pages0
JournalBehavioral Ecology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1994
EventBehavioral Ecology and Sociobiology -
Duration: 1 Jan 1994 → …


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