Fatigue life prediction for rotary friction welded Ti-6Al-4V under variable amplitude fatigue loading

der Merwe HB van, MN James, DG Hattingh, W Rall

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The present paper considers variable amplitude fatigue lifing for rotary friction welds in Grade 23 6Al-4V titanium alloy. The work reported in this paper aimed firstly at optimising the parameters necessary to successfully rotary weld 6 mm diameter hourglass specimens of Ti-6Al-4V and, secondly, at generating CA stress-life (S-N) fatigue data to underpin a VA fatigue life prediction that was then experimentally verified against the results obtained from VA fatigue testing using an 3200 turning point sequence extracted from the simulated aircraft load spectrum mini-FALSTAFF (a modified Fighter Aircraft Loading Standard for Fatigue). It was found that the real damage sum Dreal=(Dspec/Ls)*N‾exp was significantly <1.0 for both parent alloy and welded specimens and also varied with maximum stress amplitude. Taking a damage sum value of 1.0 as representing failure in fatigue life prediction would therefore be grossly nonconservative for these Grade 23 6Al-4V titanium specimens under spectrum VA loading, irrespective of whether they are in the parent plate or rotary friction welded condition.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages0
JournalTheoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
Issue number0
Early online date2 Aug 2019
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2019


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