Fathers at work—Forfeits, deficits and disregarding discourse

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Existing research observes that fathers navigate the workplace through a complex network of mistreatment, adopting “ground breaker discourse” as a mechanism by which to maintain alignment with masculine norms to reduce mistreatment. Through analysis of online forum comments in response to a UK newspaper article exploring fathers and masculinity, this research investigates if “fatherhood forfeits” and the “patriarchal deficit” are evident in this context and how they are navigated. The research affirms the existence of “fatherhood forfeits” and the “patriarchal deficit,” uncovering an additional forfeit of “impeded attractiveness.” Additionally, it expands knowledge regarding the way in which fathers maintain hegemonic masculinity when combining work and care through observing that fathers adopted a “disregarding discourse” toward any criticism as a management strategy, suggesting a new dimension for research in this area. This research identifies ways in which organizations can improve the workplace experience for fathers, with a view to increasing gender equality for both parents and maximizing the effectiveness of staff in the post-COVID workplace. It is suggested that future research could involve a more representative sample and an exploration of any potential differences in the findings in the context of the post-COVID work environment.
Original languageEnglish
JournalGender, Work and Organization
Publication statusPublished - 9 Oct 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Gender Studies
  • Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management


  • caregiving
  • fathers
  • gender
  • masculinity


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