End-user security culture: A lesson that will never be learnt?

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Security threats to end-user systems are nothing new. Viruses have been with us for well over twenty years; spyware has clocked up more than a decade since the earliest incidents; and large-scale use of phishing can be traced back to at least 2003. Indeed, the increasing range of Internet applications, and the accompanying increase in threats, heightens the need for security and privacy-awareness. Unfortunately, however, it seems that the rapid adoption of online services has not been matched by a corresponding embrace of security culture. This article examines the current position, and considers the extent to which security awareness lessons have been learnt.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6-9
Number of pages0
JournalComputer Fraud & Security
Issue number4
Publication statusIn preparation - 1 Apr 2008


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