Effectiveness of fluticasone furoate plus vilanterol on asthma control in clinical practice: an open-label, parallel group, randomised controlled trial

A Woodcock, J Vestbo, ND Bakerly, J New, JM Gibson, S McCorkindale, R Jones, S Collier, J Lay-Flurrie, L Frith, L Jacques, JL Fletcher, C Harvey, H Svedsater, D Leather, D Adams-Strump, LS Addlestone, A Afshar, J Amin, R ArcherM Austin, A Bakhat, J Behardien, JM Borg-Costanzi, G Breen, N Browne, C Brunt, KH Buch, P Budden, J Chandy, A Chaudhry, L Cheema, N Chennupati, S Coulson, L Cribbin, D Dillon, A El-Kafrawy, E Elliott, B Farooq, NA Finegan, P Fink, A Fletcher, S Frier, C Gibbons, L Gill, D Herron, B Hope, RE Howard, C Hughes, S Iles, P Jackson, M Jarvis, V Joshi, N Kanumilli, RA Khan, M Khan, S Kwok, N Lord, C Mafunga, CI Malcomson, DK McCarthy, HS Milligan, P Patel, SJ Patel, VB Raj, KA Richardson, R Salim, RB Seaton, D Shah, M Sharma, H Singh, N Smith, NN Smyrniou, M Stamp, P Stratford-Smith, M Sultan, RS Sumra, J Tankel, UIN Umeadi, C Westwood, J White, HC Wilkinson, RG Wilson, SA Wright, AT Wright

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Number of pages0
JournalThe Lancet
Issue number0
Early online date10 Sept 2017
Publication statusPublished - 18 Nov 2017

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