Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Brazilian version of the beliefs about emotions scale

Daniel C. Mograbi*, Pamela Indelli, Caio A. Lage, Vitória Tebyriça, Jesus Landeira-Fernandez, Katharine A. Rimes

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Introduction: Beliefs about the unacceptability of expression and experience of emotion are present in the general population but seem to be more prevalent in patients with a number of health conditions. Such beliefs, which may be viewed as a form of perfectionism about emotions, may have a deleterious effect on symptomatology as well as on treatment adherence and outcome. Nevertheless, few questionnaires have been developed to measure such beliefs about emotions, and no instrument has been validated in a developing country. The current study adapted and validated the Beliefs about Emotions Scale in a Brazilian sample. Methods: The adaptation procedure included translation, back-translation and analysis of the content, with the final Brazilian Portuguese version of the scale being tested online in a sample of 645 participants. Internal consistency of the scale was very high and results of a principal axis factoring analysis indicated a two-factor solution. Results: Respondents with high fatigue levels showed more perfectionist beliefs, and the scale correlated positively with questionnaires measuring anxiety, depression and fear of negative evaluation, confirming cross-cultural associations reported before. Finally, men, non-Caucasians and participants with lower educational achievement gave greater endorsement to such beliefs than women, Caucasian individuals and participants with higher educational level. Conclusions: The study confirms previous clinical findings reported in the literature, but indicates novel associations with demographic variables. The latter may reflect cultural differences related to beliefs about emotions in Brazil.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-28
Number of pages8
JournalTrends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2018
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Psychiatry and Mental Health


  • Beliefs
  • Emotion
  • Emotional regulation
  • Perfectionism
  • Validation


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