Courtyards thermal efficiency during hot regions’ typical ‎winter

Omar Al-Hafith, BK Satish, Pieter De Wilde

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paper (not formally published)peer-review

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Many researchers have experimentally proven the thermal efficiency of courtyard buildingsin hot regions during summer. However, a limited number of studies have tackled courtyards’ winterperformance. In these studies, it has been stated that courtyards are possibly not efficient for winterconditions. This study aims to address this point. It investigated the impact of changing courtyardsgeometrical properties on occupants’ thermal perception during typical winter conditions of a hot region.The study conducted a simulation experiment using Envi-met 4.2 simulation tool. Baghdad was used asa case study. Thermal comfort limits for hot regions were used as a reference. IBM SPSS statistics 23was used to analyse variables’ correlations. The results show that all courtyard forms are thermallycomfortable during typical winter conditions of a hot region. Courtyards’ geometry has a significantimpact on their thermal conditions. The most effective property is the ratio of courtyard width to height.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 20 Oct 2018
EventBeyond All Limits 2018: International Congress on Sustainability in Architecture, Planning, and Design - Ankara, Turkey
Duration: 17 Oct 201819 Oct 2018


ConferenceBeyond All Limits 2018


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