Co-production with people with Parkinson's disease: making physical activity effective, meaningful and sustainable

Heather Hunter, Terry Gorst

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The tide is turning: service users are challenging the traditional bio-medical model, which focusses on illness treatment and neglects the role of patients in the provision of care. “We want person-centred care: people having as much control and influence over their care as possible – as patients, carers and members of communities” is the mission statement of National Voices. Formed in England in 2008 from an alliance of 150 health and social care charities, the purpose of the alliance is to provide a forum for stakeholder involvement of service users and carers in developing national policy. In the ongoing battle against Parkinson’s disease, establishing the needs of people with this often debilitating and long term condition, and collaborating as equal partners to design appropriate physical activity interventions is essential. Doing so may go some way to ensuring this valuable intervention is fun, engaging and, most importantly, effective.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)442-443
Number of pages0
JournalJBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2019


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